Transformation of international (interethnic) relations in the North Caucasus: theoretical and methodological analysis

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The period of modern development of the Russian state and multinational community marks the emergence of factors leading to the destabilization and fragmentation of Russia along ethnic lines, the growth of nationalist sentiments in some regions of the country, often turning into interethnic conflicts. The boundaries between social, political and ethnopolitical conflicts are blurred and difficult to define. This article discusses various concepts in the study of interethnic relations and the methodology for studying interethnic interactions. In particular, methodological approaches that study interethnic interactions and the main categories used in the research process are considered. Research methods. Currently, regional problems, in particular interethnic relations and interethnic tension in the North Caucasus, are of great interest to scientists. A large number of studies (articles, monographs, master's and doctoral dissertations) are devoted to this issue. In this regard, there is a need to study and use various research methods for a more complete understanding of modern interethnic processes in the North Caucasus. The main goal that we have set for ourselves in this article is to search for a scientifically based conceptual model for analyzing the complex and contradictory reality of interethnic processes.


Transformation, north caucasus, interethnic relations, multiculturalism, theory, primordialist approach, consolidation, geopolitical and geocultural confrontation, liberal democratic theory, institutional theory

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IDR: 149144904   |   DOI: 10.17748/2219-6048-2024-16-1-61-73

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