Transformation of regional society: toward a conceptualization of the forms of social change

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The article discusses the issues of conceptualizing the forms of social changes in the regional society. We have analyzed the actual categories and forms of social change in the post-socialist Russian space, such as transformation, modernization, globalization, glocalization, turbulence, adaptation, etc. General trends in the transformation of Russian society leave their stamp on the transformation of regional economies. We have noted the specificity of the border regions, the need for the population to adapt to modern challenges and transformational processes of Russian society. Actualization of crises theories through the category of "turbulence" makes it possible to structure periods of political and socioeconomic destabilization in the post-socialist society. The factors of reorganizing the social system include internal and external causes that can change the conventional social values, norms, rules, the corresponding spiritual and moral sphere of society and the public institutions based on it.


Transformation, regional society, social changes, modernization, globalization, glocalization, turbulence, adaptation

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IDR: 148325490   |   DOI: 10.18101/2306-630X-2022-1-10-16

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