Transformation of communicative and emotional values in Russian linguoculture

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Values are generally accepted guidelines that are important for the formation, development and existence of both the individual and society. In his communicative practice, a person relies on universal and culturally-based values, which, in turn, are subject to evolution or degradation at various stages of social development. The authors of the article, guided by the idea of the flexibility and variability of values in certain historical epochs, attempt to demonstrate that at present, due to social and cultural processes, communicative and emotional values in Russian linguistic culture undergo certain change, which transforms the existing system of values. The researchers’ attention is focused on such communicative values as truth and modesty, which seem to be unconditional and absolute moral and ethical guidelines for representatives of Russian linguistic culture. The analyzed material from the National Corpus of the Russian language, Internet forums and examples from live conversation show that in the modern Russian-speaking consciousness, truthful and modest communicative behavior is interpreted and evaluated a little differently than before. Similar to communicative values, the value of emotions is also subject to transformation. As an example of the inversion of the linguocultural value of emotions, we consider the emotion of anger, which is among the universal human emotions. The analysis of modern feature films allows us to conclude that anger and other destructive emotions of the protagonist can be recognized as a constructive force that changes the world for the better, and its positive assessment leads to such behavior being socially approved in real life.


Communication, communicative behavior, linguoculture, value, emotion, inversion

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IDR: 149131555   |   DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu2.2020.2.5

Список литературы Transformation of communicative and emotional values in Russian linguoculture

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