Three-dimensional integral dry friction model for the motion of a rectangular body

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Introduction. A three-dimensional dry friction model in the interaction of a rectangular body and a horizontal rough surface is considered. It is assumed that there is no separation of the body from the horizontal surface. The body motion occurs under the conditions of combined dynamics when, in addition to the longitudinal movement, the body participates in twisting.Materials and Methods. Linear fractional Pade approximations are proposed, which replaced the cumbersome analytical expressions that most accurately describe the motion of bodies on rough surfaces. New mathematical models describing sliding and twisting of bodies with a rectangular base are proposed.Results. Analytical expressions of the principal vector and moment of friction for rectangular contact areas are developed and scientifically established. A friction model that takes into account the relationship between sliding and twisting speeds, which provides finding solutions for Pade dependences, is developed. After numerical solution to the equations of motion, the dependences of the sliding speed and angular velocity on time were obtained and constructed. Graphs of the dependences of the friction forces and their moment on two parameters (angular velocity and slip velocity) were constructed, which enabled to compare the integral and normalized models of friction. The comparison results showed good agreement of the integral model and the model based on Pade approximations.Discussion and Conclusions. The results obtained provide considering the dynamic coupling of components, which determines the force interaction of a rectangular body and a horizontal surface. These results can be used in mobile robotics. The analyzed motion of the body occurs through the motion control of a material point inside the body. Such mobile robots can be used when solving a wide class of problems: when creating autonomous robots for the exploration of outer space and planets; in the diagnosis and treatment in case of passing through complex structures of veins and arteries; in research under water, in places of large differential temperature; in underground operations.


Dry friction, rectangular body, solid body, dynamics, sliding, twisting, friction force, pade approximations

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IDR: 142229407   |   DOI: 10.23947/2687-1653-2021-21-1-14-21

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