A tourist product as an object of research in the context of digitalization of tourist activity: the concept, functional features and main components

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The article examines the conceptual base of the tourist product, as well as its main components, identifies the features of the tourist product, and reveals its orientation in the process of digitalization of tourist activity. A multilevel multiattributive model describing the main characteristics of a tourist product is considered. The general characteristics of the tourist product are identified, let’s consider its value in terms of objective characteristics and indicators. It is concluded that the features of the tourist product currently include: presence in the digital environment, personal usefulness through differentiation, safety and reliability, full automation of travel using digital technologies.


Tourist product, tour operator, digitalization, tourist market, services, aggregator-bookmaker, security, conceptual framework, tourism industry

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142240931

IDR: 142240931   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.3452

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