Tver's region in the mainstream views of M. Heidegger: "die freie weite", "platze", "gegenden"

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Within the concept of social space of M. Heidegger the interrelation and semantic unity of the concepts “Die freie Weite”, “Platze”, “Gegenden” is considered. These categories, taken in hermeneutic research strategies allow you to analyze the features of forming and modern regional identity. Focusing on the results of sociological research, the author identifies the following trends in cultural and social identity of the Tver region: on the one hand, marked by a sense of the atmosphere of transience and indifference of the population to the development of their region; sustainable intensification of migration intentions of young people and nominal perception of the feelings of the Motherland; on the other hand, appears somereference regional community; feeling a sense of “location” in the context of regional identity; the ambition of the educated inhabitant of the Tver region who feel involved in the capital energy of the two metropolis.


Social space, regional identity, migration, homeland, "die freie weite", "platze", "gegenden"

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IDR: 144160622

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