The K. D. Kavelins' creative and his works in a view of the search for national-cultural idea of Russia

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The article is devoted to the study of literature and written heritage of the Russian historian, jurist, philosopher of the XIX century K. D. Kavelin. Kavelin’s views were formed under the influence of social and cultural conditions, as well as basic doctrines of the era, but differed the bright originality and scientific-oriented approach to the study of Russian history and culture. The scientist has presented a factual description of ancient tribal life and legal institutions, and made a conclusion about significant role of rural community in the stable existence of the Russian state. Kavelin emphasized political nature of historical development of Russia and the crucial role of the state which is the guarantor of the preservation of the Russian people and gradually in its developed form will act as a comprehensive development of personality in society and culture. Anthropological approach allows the thinker to emphasize the role of moral identity in the implementation of the conditions of social and cultural life of any society. Historical and cultural concept of Kavelin can be considered as the valuable basis of national and cultural idea of Russia.


K. d. kavelin, national and cultural idea of Russia, russian history, russian culture, rural community, state, individual and society

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IDR: 144161026

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