Educational and scientific results of implementing at Novosibirsk State University in 2015 of the project research on fundamental problems of archaeology and ethnography North and East Asia in the framework of the Russian Science Foundation

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Purpose. The Novosibirsk State University (NSU) as a classic university also presented the main subjects in the humanities, including archaeology and ethnography. This is reflected in the structure of departments of research purposes. Since 1998, it is a specialized research and educational center at the university. He coordinates the activities of all existing educational and research units in areas of «Archaeology», «Ethnography» and «Oriental». The structure of the center since its inception includes Humanities Research Laboratory (HRL). Evidence of high-quality fundamental research in the field of archaeology, ethnography and Oriental studies at the University were numerous facts of their financial support from a number of programs and funds, including the Russian Science Foundation (RSF). The largest of the projects within research and education center in recent years has become a grant RSF, designed for the HRL in 2014-2016 years of fundamental scientific research on problems of archaeology and ethnography of the North and East Asia. The aim of our study should be an objective evaluation of the results of activity in 2015 in the main areas of the project. Results. The total number of the grant involved about 100 people. At 2015 could further bring to the scientific and educational work in the NSU large team of scientists from the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as a large group of university students. Thanks to a grant on purchased equipment and instruments used in the course of research the latest techniques of field study, the analysis of collections of archaeological and ethnographic artifacts, their restoration. This has contributed to the production of large volumes of basic research results, which were also used for the improvement of the educational process at the University for a number of disciplines. Production of scientific and educational nature expressed in 2 monographs, 6 articles in scientific journals included in the database Scopus and database Web of Science, 38 articles in various scientific journals. To make a report by 10 scientific conferences at various levels, organized and conducted in June 2015 Russian-German symposium «Multidisciplinary methods in archaeology». Abstracts of these presentations are published. Program educational courses «Experimental archaeology» and «Ceramics as an archaeological source» are updated. Carried out a large amount of scientific popularization work, including Internet ( All this inevitably led to an increase in the level and quality of the educational process. At the same time we realized and occurred defects on individual research topics or weaknesses in the organization of research. They will be addressed in future work. Conclusion. Overall, the results in 2015 and production of educational and scientific nature significantly exceed targets. They have become an important contribution to solving the problems facing the university to promote in the international ranking of universities.


Novosibirsk state university, institute of archaeology and ethnography, archaeology, ethnography, russian science foundation, the project results in 2015

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IDR: 147219551

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