Specific parameters of high power wheeled tractors for tillage technologies

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The purpose of the work is the justification of the traction-speed ranges and specific mass of wheeled 4k4 tractors of high power for zonal soil cultivation technolo-gies. The research problems were 1) to prove rational traction and high-speed ranges of use of tractors as a part of soil-cultivating units; 2) to define optimum values of specific mass of tractors of different complete set for established groups of related operations of tillage; 3) to establish the efficiency of using tractors with different specific weight in technologies of tillage. By the results of field tests of Kirovets-744 tractors of K-744R series of different standard sizes and complete sets rational trac-tion ranges limited to the mode of admissible slipping at the maximum value of efficiency of weight and the mode of minimum slipping underat respectively on unary and dual wheels are determined. Nominal traction modes for the first the most power-intensive, group of operations in high-speed interval and the least power-intensive third group of operations were set under...


Adaptation, slipping, range, tractor, specific gravity

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140238080

IDR: 140238080

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