Ufologic version of the earth's genesis in Evenki folklore

Автор: Mariya P. Dyakonova

Журнал: Восточный вектор: история, общество, государство @eurasia-world

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2021 года.

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The article is devoted to the ufological version of the Earth’s genesis. The stories of the creation of the world are widespread among the Evenkis. Creation stories are etiological myths —a set of narratives united by a common idea of creation of the world, where the world is created by the deity Seveki with the help of his antipode Kharga. The cycle of creation of the world ends with the Seveki’s behast of the moral code of ita to people, the etiological ending is often expressed by one of the provisions of ita and ends with the creation of a three-part model of the world — Seveki becomes the master of the upper world (Ugu buga), people live on the middle earth (Dulin buga), the co-creator Khargi leaves forever to the lower world (Hergu buga) and becomes its master. The “ufological” version of the Earth’s genesis does not correspond to the cycle of creation of the world by the deity Seveki and his brother Khargi. In the ufological version thanks to the headless giants dylya achir (lit.: without a head) the terra firma appears, as well as the names of natural objects, and humans, now living on Earth. The material of the article may be used in comparative studies of the Evenkis’ mythological ideas about the creation of the world.


The Evenkis, Evenki folklore, cycle of creation of the Evenki world, Evenki mythology

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148318108

IDR: 148318108   |   DOI: 10.18101/2306-630X-2021-1-28-34

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