Carbon-saving elements of organic technology of winter wheat cultivation in the forest-steppe of the Middle Volga region

Автор: Olenin O.A., Zudilin S.N.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 2 (95), 2022 года.

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The purpose of the research is to study the effect of organic cultivation technology with multicomponent polyfunctional organic fertilizers and biological products on agrophytocenosis indicators and winter wheat yields in comparison with traditional technology with synthetic chemical mineral fertilizers and pesticides. The maximum decrease in the prevalence of damage to winter wheat plants by root rot and brown leaf rust was noted with the combined use of seed coating and biological preparations for vegetation: root rot - by 47.3% compared with the control, brown leaf rust - by 43.2%. Multicomponent organic fertilizers and biopreparations with bioinsecticide functions (due to zoohumus and zoohumus extract as components) contributed to the greatest reduction in the number of the pest grain beetle on winter wheat crops. The maximum reduction in the number of pests was noted with the combined use of fertilizer with zoohumus and a biological product with zoohumus extract, by 73.3% compared with the control. The use of biological preparations with biological protection functions increased the crop yield on average by 7.2% compared to pesticides, and by 14.6% compared to the control group. The most effective of the fertilizer options was pre-sowing seed coating using biofungicides and bioinsecticides as ingredients: 6.4-23.2% more than in the control. The maximum increase in yield was noted with the combined use of seed coating and biological preparations for vegetation, by 23.2% compared to the control, and by 11.0% compared to the option of the combined use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides. The cost of mineral fertilizer applied per hectare was 2.20-2.71 times higher than the cost of organic fertilizers, and 4.10-5.42 times higher than the cost of pre-sowing pelleting of winter wheat seeds per hectare. The cost of pesticides per liter exceeds the cost of biological products with bioprotection functions by 3-25 times.


Organic farming, organic fertilizers and biological products, winter wheat, root rot, brown leaf rust, anisoplia austriaca beetle, yield

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IDR: 147237608

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