Criminal law significance of final procedural decisions on exemption from criminal liability and punishment

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The subject of the study is the provisions of criminal, criminal procedural and criminal exe cutive legislation, as well as acts of interpretation and judicial practice related to the legal regulation of exemption from criminal liability or punishment of those who have committed a crime. The purpose of the study is to compare the provisions of the criminal law regulating the grounds for exemption from criminal liability and punishment with the norms of criminal procedure law regul ating the procedure for making final decisions on the termination of a criminal case (prosecution). Using the general scientific dialectical method, as well as the methods of formal legal analysis and synthesis, the author identified and demonstrated contradictions between the norms of substantive and procedural law in terms of substantiating the grounds for terminating a criminal case (prosec ution) and the grounds for exemption from criminal liability (punishment).


Exemption from criminal liability, criminal record, termination of a criminal case, legal status, reconciliation with the victim, reasons other than exoneration

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IDR: 143182311   |   DOI: 10.19073/2658-7602-2024-21-1-63-74

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