Criminal procedure process for obtaining voice information from telecom operators and organizers of information dissemination on the Internet

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In the article, the author examines crimes that are committed through digital means of anonymization on the Internet, investigative and judicial practice in criminal cases of this category. Based on the conducted comparative legal analysis, the author comes to the conclusion about the most common ways of committing crimes using information and telecommunication technologies and hiding digital traces of crimes at the present time. In addition to the above, the author has identified problems that arise among employees of the investigation and inquiry units conducting criminal proceedings in this cate-gory when collecting evidentiary voice information. Despite the constantly improving measures to counteract, prevent, suppress, prevent, disclose and investigate these crimes, they continuously show an increasing dynamics of growth in the total array of crimes committed in the Russian Federation. In this connection, the author suggests some regulatory and legal measures aimed at improving the effectiveness of countering, disclosing and investigat-ing crimes committed using computer technologies, special anonymizer pro-grams used by criminals in the digital space, as well as improving criminal procedural legislation regulating the receipt of voice information by investi-gators and interrogators.


Voice information, criminal procedure process, telecom operators, organizers of information dissemination on the internet, digital means of anonymiza-tion

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IDR: 143180432   |   DOI: 10.55001/2587-9820.2023.15.28.005

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