Ultrasonographic characteristic of dog's alimentary tract

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The research objective was to describe mor-phometric and echographic characteristics of ali-mentary tract in dogs using transcutaneous ultra-sonic research. The objects of research were dif-ferent breeds of healthy dogs of both sexes be-tween the ages of 1 and 7 years. The animals were divided according to the weight in 5 groups: ≤ 5 kg, 6-15, 16-25, 26-35, ≥ 36 kg. Ultrasound research was made in Stavropol Centre of Veterinary Medi-cine “In Pirogov Street” on scanner SIUI Apogee 1100 Omni (Shantou Institute of Ultrasonic Instru-ments Co., Ltd., Guangdong, China) by usual method using multifrequency linear transducer with frequency of 5-12 MHz in B-mode. Digestive chan-nel of dogs on sonogram was presented by hori-zontally focused linear structures at longitudinal scanning and roundish structures with radial orien-tation of layers at cross scanning with accurate dif-ferentiation of layers of various ekhogennost. OUSE scanning allows differentiating all layers of the wall of stomach and intestines: mucous, submucous, muscular, serous. Metric indicators of layers of the wall of various departments of alimen-tary tract of dogs depending on weight are given in the study. Sonografic and morphometric character-istics presented in the study allow identifying vari-ous structures of alimentary tract of dogs. The ex-ception was made for the differentiation of duode-nal and lean guts as their parameters were almost similar. In this case it is necessary to be guided by topographical reference points presented in the study. Obtained morphometric and echographic data of the stomach, thin and thick departments of intestines in healthy dogs can be used as the basis for the assessment of the condition of alimentary tract in dogs in norm and pathology at ultrasonic research.


Ultrasound examination (use), dogs, stomach, intestine, ali-mentary tract

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140224185

IDR: 140224185

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