Unique monuments of japanese buddhist architecture in Aizu

Автор: Pyshkin Evgeny Valerjevich

Журнал: Строительство уникальных зданий и сооружений @unistroy

Статья в выпуске: 10 (15), 2013 года.

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Paper introduces particularities of Japanese sacred architecture genesis through the examples of selected Buddhist culture monuments in the Aizu region.Special attention is paid to the unique constructions which measurably deviate from the mainstream architectural traditions. We analyze how the work of plastic art affects the Keiryuji temple architectural project, how the first Japanese spiral based construction was implemented in the interiors of Sazaedo tower, and what is the contemporary interpretation of the Buddhist park theme in Aizu-mura complex.Temple objects study and comprehension appeal for religious, cultural and, as a result, architectural and historical traditions expansion and development, as well as for transformation of these traditions in time in a kind of country which had long-lasting periods of relatively autonomous and even isolated existence.


Sacred architecture, buddhism, shinto, japan, architectural and historical context

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14321974

IDR: 14321974

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