Universal psychological actions of self-coaching as a means of developing an arbitrary form of student's self-consciousness

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Statement of the problem and purpose of the article. In the concept of teaching psychology at school as a discipline, we develop and analyze the previously developed theory of auto-psychological competence in its practical application: as an opportunity to develop competence in relation to oneself at school age. One of the main concepts and psychological means of development is self-coaching as a form of auto-communication. In this regard, we will present a number of theoretical reflections on the topic of internal dialogue. The research methodology is based on the theory of activity by A. N. Leontiev, as well as on the analysis and generalization of research works by international and Russian scientists on the problems of personal development. Research results. The universal psychological actions of self-coaching highlighted in the proposed concept are an attempt to test a set of specific psychological methods, techniques, operations aimed at solving psychological problems of self-understanding, self-evaluation, and self-correction in the course of teaching psychology at school. The means of forming effective reflexive mechanisms (self-awareness) is auto-communication coaching (self-coaching), which is based on the ability to formulate questions to yourself in relation to significant psychological manifestations. Conclusion. Teaching psychology at school (a system of psychological knowledge and skills mastered by a student using psychological self-coaching technologies) is considered as a psychological means of forming a reflexive, arbitrary form of self-consciousness. The developed training program provides a student with a system of psychological concepts that contribute to the generalization and awareness of the subjective experience of his self-feelings, reflections and experiences.


Autocommunication, autopsychological competence, self-coaching, self-correction, auto-communication coaching, self-understanding, self-attitudes, auto-sensitivity

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144161870

IDR: 144161870   |   DOI: 10.25146/1995-0861-2020-53-3-230

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