Management of competitiveness for agro-enterprises based on partnerships

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Under insufficient efficiency of domestic agribusinesses and lack of investments that hinder their development, it is necessary to search for internal mechanisms to increase investment attractiveness and competitiveness. The author considers that the organization of partner relations in the form of agro-industrial integration is the very mechanism. Such relations are based on the organization of close and long-term economic ties in agribusiness, which predetermine the possibility of mutually beneficial cooperation, as a result of which the investment potential of enterprises participating in the partnership is increased by building up such elements of the company internal value as customer equity, resource and financial capital. Customer equity is considered by the author as an intangible asset of agricultural economy, which implies the system of thorough, reliable, long-term, trusting and mutually beneficial relations. The result of these relationships is the belief that consumers will give their preference to this economy. The financial capital is presented by the author as financial resources of the agro-economy, involved in economic turnover and bringing in revenue from this turnover. The partnership relations are presented in the form of a special, integral part of the economic activities of agrarian enterprises. The tendencies of innovative development are revealed and the problems of introduction of innovations in the agrarian sector of the national economy are formulated. The main theoretical and practical approaches to the formation and realization of the innovative potential of agro-industrial enterprises are identified. Within the framework of agro-industrial integration, the author proposes projects of strategic partnership of agricultural, crop, fodder production and livestock enterprises, the implementation of which is jointly aimed at economic recovery of diversified agrarian farms. The integration projects based on partnership relations are accompanied by a description of the various economic effects that arise in agribusinesses associated with economic activities.


Agriculture, management of competitiveness of enterprises, partnerships, integration structure, enterprise cost management, enterprise investment attractiveness management

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147156380   |   DOI: 10.14529/em170308

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