Management of labor adaptation in municipal systems of the region
Автор: Frolova O., Shmeleva Zh.
Журнал: Социально-экономический и гуманитарный журнал Красноярского ГАУ @social-kgau
Рубрика: Региональная и отраслевая экономика
Статья в выпуске: 4 (34), 2024 года.
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The paper examines the need to search for educational forms responsible for the dynamics of the development of the productive forces of society from the standpoint of the reproduction of the labor potential of the region. In order to overcome the deficit of professional competencies among the economically active population, the scientific and practical significance of educational forms that ensure professional coordination of the labor potential of the region, taking into account the development of the real sector of the economy, is specified. According to the authors, it is the launch of a new edition of educational forms in the conditions of production systems that will determine the socio-economic dynamics of the local economy growth in municipal systems. The purpose of the study is to summarize the experience of managing the development of the education system and substantiate effective educational forms that ensure the progressive formation of professional competencies of employees. An assessment is given of the management of the development of the education system from the standpoint of program-targeted planning of the budget process, covering the medium-term periodization of the creation of conditions for the formation of the labor potential of the region. Organizational and managerial analysis of the development of the education system of the Krasnoyarsk Region allowed researchers to establish a set of cause-and-effect relationships that affect the conditions of their formation and rational use of educational resources. The positive impact of the implementation of a number of municipal programs covering the development of preschool, general, secondary general education in the Krasnoyarsk Region is noted. The scientific and practical experience of mentoring development is summarized and its significance as an educational form in the formation of labor resources is clarified. It is proposed to organize a school of academic mentoring in production systems, focusing on the levels of professional conversion of labor resources in order to meet the need for labor. The comparative effectiveness of the mentoring school in OOO OPKh Solyanskoye as a production system of the agricultural sector of the economy is shown. It is recommended to carry out professional conversion of labor resources in the conditions of the industry system on the basis of a laboratory for labor adaptation of economically active citizens of settlements in the conditions of production systems.
Labor potential of the region, levels of professional conversion of the economically active population, mentoring school, labor adaptation
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 140307670 | DOI: 10.36718/2500-1825-2024-4-95-107