Regulated aeroionotherapy in the process of rehabilitation of children with frequent diseases

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Complex investigation of the effectiveness of bioregulating aeroiontherapeutic method in the process of rehabilitation of children with frequent diseases has been carried out. The investigation has been carried out on the basis of Rehabilitation Pediatric Department of Municipal Polyclinic № 3 in Samara from 2008 to 2009 as a multi - centered research. The results of analysis based on clinical data, physical de-velopment evaluation (anthropomorphic examination, physical status tests), psychological testing, deter-mination of humoral and cellular immunity levels values, secretory immunoglobulin E levels, external respiratory function values, vegetative regulation determined with the help of cardio-intervalography method, morbidity data based on the number of missed days per year enabled us to detect active favor-able effect of bioregulating aeroionotherapy on the functional state of child's organism.


Functional condition, children, complex analysis, aeroiontherapy

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14899896

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