The Uraanhai krai under the protectorate of Anti-Bolshevik governments of Siberia (1918-1919)

Автор: Molchanov Leonid

Журнал: Новый исторический вестник @nivestnik

Рубрика: Антибольшевистская Россия

Статья в выпуске: 33, 2012 года.

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The article is devoted to the Civil war waged on the territory of the Uraanhai krai (Tuva), which was under Russia’s protectorate. The author highlights the struggle for the control over the krai by the government of Admiral A.V. Kolchak, as well as by the Chinese and Mongolian authorities. It is stated that Kolchak’s government was preparing an administrative reform in the Uraanhai krai to the end of strengthening the Russian protectorate which was derailed by such factors as the aggravation of the economic crisis, the defeat of Kolchak’s troops at the front, the intervention of the Mongolian and Chinese troops in the internal affairs of the krai, the wide spreading of the Bolshevik insurgent movement, and the aggravated ethnic contradictions.


Russian civil war, siberia, uraanhai krai (tuva), tuvinian officials, buddhist church, a.v. kolchak, china, mongolia, uryankhay (tuvinians)

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