Physical preparedness level of polyathlonists of training groups depending from previously formed motor potential

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Relevance. The training program existing in polyathlon from the initial stage to the stage of higher sportsmanship involves the mastering of all polyathlon disciplines. At the same time, in modern polyathlon there is a situation when athletes who come from other sports associated with the polyathlon disciplines achieve significant progress in sports results in the All-Russian and international arena. This may be due to the transfer of motor skills and training. In addition, in a number of sports, such as swimming, the age of the beginners of sports training is much younger than in polyathlon, that is why an athlete, having training skills in that sport, has already formed a certain motor potential. Research aim. The aim of the research is to analyze physical preparedness of polyathlonists of training groups, taking into account their previously formed motor potential. Research methods. Such methods as questioning, pedagogical testing and mathematical statistics have been used in the work...


Polyathlon, training groups, federal standard for sports training, physical preparedness, motor potential

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IDR: 142222005

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