Yield of oil flax in conditions of the Middle Urals

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The data of agro-meteorological observations in the Sverdlovsk region at the latitude of Ekaterinburg are presented. There are enough resources of heat and moisture here to obtain grain yields up to 5-7 t/ha, potatoes - up to 30-40 t/ha and higher. In field experiments carried out on a dark-gray forest soil in the 2010-2014, yield of oil flax was at the level of 2 t/ha. In standard weather conditions it is possible to obtain more than 2.5 t/ha of oil flax seeds. Ош researches have shown that in the Sverdlovsk region it is possible to obtain oil flax seeds with high sowing qualities even in years with excessive heat and lack of rainfall during the vegetative period.


Middle urals, agro-climatic resources, oil flax, vegetative period, seeds, yield, the period of harvest

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IDR: 142151258

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