The productivity and quality of seed tubers of early ripe potatoes variety Severny at different terms and ways of planting in the northern forest-steppe zone of Tyumen region

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The purpose of the researches was to fulfill elements of high-quality technology of cultivation of the variety Severny for seed purposes. The researches were con- ducted in 2012-2014 on experimental field of Agroinstitute of Technology of SAU of Northern Trans- Urals. The soil was lixivious chernozyom, heavy loamy on mechanical structure, is so-so provided with nutrition elements, the maintenance of humus - 7.2 %, the reac-tion of soil solution - 6.7. The predecessors were annu- al herbs on green material. The technology included dump plowing on the depth of 26-28 cm, spring harrow- ing, the incision of mineral fertilizers on the productivity of 50 t/hectare, cultivation on depth of 15-17 cm, the cutting of crests, planting in different terms: 10.05 (tem- perature of the soil +7 … +8 ° C), 20.05, 30.05, 10.06, 20.06, 30.06. The area of the allotment was 10 sq.m, the frequency 4-fold, randomized placement of allot- ments, the scheme of planting was 70 × 20 cm. It was established that as a result of 3 years' researches in northern forest-steppe zone of Tyumen Region in droughty and hot 2012 the productivity of an early ripe variety Severny at studied terms of planting was 1...


Potatoes, variety, seed tubers, term, way of planting, productivity, quality

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IDR: 140243343

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