Productivity and quality of grain the somaklonalnykh of lines of soy in agroecological conditionsof the southern forest-steppe Western Siberia

Автор: Parshutkina Ekaterina Viktorovna, Popolzukhina Nina Alexeevna, Ozyakova Ekaterina Nikolayevna

Журнал: Вестник Омского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-omgau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 3 (23), 2016 года.

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In the conditions of the southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia studying 8 somaklonalnykh of lines of 7-8 generations, created in FGBNA SIBNIIK by method of genetic engineering on the basis of a soy grade SIB-NIIK 315 is carried out. Researches were conducted in 2013-2014 years on fields of laboratory of selection of leguminous cultures of FGBNU SIBNIISKH. The soil of a skilled site - meadow and chernozem sred-nemoshchny srednegumusovy tyazhelosuglinisty. The conducted researches have allowed to reveal influence of hydrothermal conditions on growth, development, formation of efficiency and quality of grain of soy. Field viability of seeds and safety of plants to cleaning were defined both by hydrothermal conditions of the vegetative period, and a genotype. As have shown researches, the defining contribution to variability of productivity of soy is made by cultivation conditions (a factor In) - 62.8 %. Higher productivity has been noted in 2014. The largest size of this indicator characterized lines L 55/13 (+0.18 t/hectare), L 56/13 (+0.15 t/hectare) and L 48/11 (+0.12 t/hectare). The defining elements of structure of productivity of soy are the number of productive knots (r = 0.61), number of beans (r = 0.57) and seeds on a plant (r = 0.65). Essential distinctions on protein content and fat in seeds in contrast conditions of cultivation it hasn’t been established.


Soy, somaklonalny variability, selection, efficiency, quality of grain

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IDR: 142199240

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