Yield and indexes of quality of corn when using brown coal and glauconite in normal and nanostructural form

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The greatest increase in the yield of green mass of corn was obtained with the complex treatment of seeds with nanostructured coal and foliar treatment of corn with a 0.4% suspension of NVGS at doses of 1.25 and 0.25 kg / per seeding rate per hectare. A significant increase in yield was 63.8 g / vessel and 78.4 g / vessel (15% and 19%), respectively, compared with the background, the weight of the cobs increased by 20 and 18.8%. The introduction of brown coal at a rate of 5 t / ha also contributed to the good responsiveness of corn plants and the production of an additional crop of 69.9 g / vessel, which is 17% more compared to the background. The largest accumulation of potassium in the green mass of maize was noted in variants with presowing treatment of maize seeds in doses of 1.25 and 0.25 kg per hectare seeding rate and foliar spraying of plants during vegetation in a concentration of 0.4%. The increase was 4.9% and 6.7% compared to the background. An increase in cellulose in maize seeds was noted in all the studied variants compared to control and background.


Brown coal, glauconite, nanostructured brown coal, nvgs, yield, quality

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142216871

IDR: 142216871   |   DOI: 10.31588/2413-4201-1883-236-4-63-67

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