Green mass yield and variable alfalfa productivity in the Tyumen region northern forest-steppe

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In the difficult natural and climatic conditions of Western Siberia, varieties and hybrids are the main factor in increasing the yield of forage crops. Their creation and cultivation makes it possible to stabilize feed production in the region, raise the level of animal feeding and improve the quality of feed, increase the efficiency and profitability of feed production. The aim of research was to isolate the source material for the creation of highly productive varieties of alfalfa in the northern forest-steppe of the Tyumen Region in 2017-2019. Research in the crops of alfalfa was carried out according to 11 variants of the experiment. The localized Bystraya variety of alfalfa was adopted as the standard. The variety is included in the State Register for the Ural and East Siberian Regions and has been allowed for cultivation in the West Siberian Region since 2016. On average, for 2 cuttings (2017-2019), we received 23.6-33.7 t/ha of green mass of alfalfa. The minimum yield (23.6-23.9 t/ha) was obtained from samples KP-25, KP-27. The optimal herbage density and high leafiness made it possible to form the maximum yield (33.3-33.7 t/ha) for samples KP-33 and KP-35. They exceeded the standard version by 0.8-1.2 t/ha. With the exception of these variants, in general, according to the experiment, the yield of green mass in the studied samples of alfalfa was lower than that of the standard Bystraya variety. According to the results of the study, it can also be noted that in 2017 and 2018 the yield of green mass, on average, according to the experience, was higher, since these years were the most favorable in terms of meteorological conditions. The most productive were the KP-33 and KP-35 samples. In these variants, the yield of fodder units was 5.66-5.73 t/ha. The productivity of the rest of the samples was lower than that of the standard Bystraya variety, by 0.44-4.51 k.units t/ha.


Alfalfa, variety, sample, cultivation of alfalfa, green mass, productivity of alfalfa, yield of fodder units

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140290573   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-12-110-115

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