Use of information technologies for implementation of integrated methods in teaching aerospace specialists English for scientific purposes

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The article considers the content of the course of post graduate students’ training in a foreign language for scientific purposes in a technical university of aerospace profile. The experience of work in the context of SibSAU training of young scientists to effectively functioning in an international professional scientific community is analyzed. The experience of work in connection with the growing trend of writing scientific texts (articles, publications, monographs, etc.) in a foreign language (English) is presented. A complex structure of work with postgraduate students in teaching a foreign language for scientific purposes is developed and presented. Particular attention is paid to the integration of Internet resources in the process of preparing for the candidate's exam in a foreign language, and subsequent publications in international scientific systems such as Web of Science, Scopus. The article reflects the experience of testing and implementation of various Internet sources, presents the most effective ones. High cognitive professionally-oriented and didactic potential of the Internet technologies used is marked.Particular attention is paid to the scientific search systems, allowing a full-text search on articles of major foreign publishers’ magazines, articles in the archives of articles and preprints, scientific resources of Internet. Links for work with authentic scientific periodicals, modern dictionaries and encyclopedias are proposed. The article maybe of interest to postgraduate students of technical universities of aerospace profile, preparing for the successful functioning in the scientific community in order to accommodate their publications in leading peer-reviewed journals, as well as for foreign language teachers using in integrated methods in teaching a foreign language for scientific purposes.


Foreign language in a technical university of aerospace profile, english for scientific purposes, publications in foreign languages, the integration of internet resources in education, scientific search systems, internet technologies, integrated methods of teaching


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IDR: 148177463

Список литературы Use of information technologies for implementation of integrated methods in teaching aerospace specialists English for scientific purposes

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