Varroa destructor mite prevalence in beekeeping farms in Lankaran-Astara economic region of Azerbaijan

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Beekeeping improvements and attention to this subject are considerable in Azerbaijan. It is not correct to indicate only the climate factor as the cause of low productivity and bee losses in honey bees. The presence of a number of pests in bees leads to a decrease in their ability to work, as well as to make them more susceptible to diseases and quickly infected. Among such pests, we can mention the Varroa destructor mite. In our research, the prevalence of the Varroa mite, which is a pest of honey bees, was studied in Jalilabad, Masallli, Yardimli, Lankaran, Lerik and Astara regions of Azerbaijan’s Lankaran-Astara economic region. According to the results, the region with the highest infection rate was Astara and Lankaran, 80%, and the region with the lowest infection rate was 50% in Masalli district.


Varroa destructor, mite, azerbaijan, microscope

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IDR: 14130222   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/103/96

Список литературы Varroa destructor mite prevalence in beekeeping farms in Lankaran-Astara economic region of Azerbaijan

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  • Maharramov S., Asasdov E., Huseynov H., Tahirov A., Rustamli Y. Diseases and pests of honey bees. 2014. P. 100-110.
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