Management of gardening, horticultural and country farming units on the forest lands: are there any grounds for termination of rights to a land plot for the purpose of environmental protection?

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This article reviews the mechanisms for termination of rights to a land plot for the purpose of environmental protection. It examines the judicial measures aimed at the termination of right to a land plot if the gardening, horticultural and country farming activities are performed on the forest lands. The grounds for termination of right to a land plot are differentiated according to the moment of its concession for horticultural, gardening or country farming to a citizen, gardening, horticultural or country farming non-commercial associations of individuals.

Forest as a natural resource, forest as an integrated ecological system, placement of lands of the forest fund of horticultural associations of citizens, unauthorized destruction of soils in protective forests

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IDR: 170172985   |   DOI: 10.24411/2072-4098-2018-17006

Статья научная