Bicycle&pedestrian network of large urban systems

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Creation of the bicycle&pedestrian network that carries responsibility for the movement of people in the short and medium distances is one of the most important tasks of the organization of a polycentric urban network. The bicycle&pedestrian network should provide continuous hierarchical structure combining residential, industrial and other socially significant objects in large urban systems. The purpose of the network is increasing the comfort level of the urban environment. Now «(auto)mobility imposed to the people» leads to increased material and time costs. Development of the bicycle&pedestrian network promotes reduction the negative impact of vehicles on the state of the urban environment (the release of urban space, reducing the number of accidents, the problems of disabled persons, etc.). The important role of the bicycle&pedestrian network is to restore social ties, combining architecturally significant urban spaces. For this reason, it must be presented to a special compositional semantic requirements. The article describes the principles of the bicycle&pedestrian network on the example of large urban systems of Germany, Switzerland, France and Colombia, considering their national characteristics.


Urban planning, polycentric urban network, pedestrian, bicycle&pedestrian network

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IDR: 146114535

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