Victimology in Russia: overviewing of the stages of the scientific direction's development

Автор: Mayorov A. V.

Журнал: Виктимология @victimologiy

Рубрика: Теория учения о жертве преступления

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.8, 2021 года.

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Victimology as an independent scientific field has been developing all over the world for a long time. Russia is not an exception, there is enough fundamental research in this area of scientific knowledge, which was conducted by well-known scientists-victimologists, new theoretical views on the problems of victimology were formed and scientific schools were distinguished. Among the Russian scientists who consider the problems of victimization in Russian society, L. V. Frank, D. V. Rivman, V. E. Kvashis, and others are known at the world level. The subject of the study is the scientific works and studies of Russian criminologists studying the science of the victim from the beginning of the emergence of scientific views (1970) to the present time. As a research methodology, the author of the article chose general scientific cognition methods (analysis, synthesis), as well as specific scientific methods - historical-legal, formal-logical, systematic, and others. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time in the current century, the scientific literature highlights the stages of development and formation of victimology as a scientific direction in Russia. The result of the study was a scientific analysis of the stages of development of the doctrine of the victim in Russian criminological science, as well as the theoretical and legal characteristics and justification of the name of each of the presented stages. The author has formed not only generalizing conclusions on the retrospective analysis of Russian victimology but also expressed reasoned conclusions about the directions of development of this field of knowledge in the nearest future.


Victimology, promotion of victimology, development of victimology, scientific schools, science in Russia, russian victimology

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IDR: 14119432

Список литературы Victimology in Russia: overviewing of the stages of the scientific direction's development

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