The specific structure and regional proportions of innovation costs in the Russian economy

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The most important choice of a company in the implementation of innovative activities is the decision on the method of mastering new technologies. There is a distinction, first of all, between the development of technologies through their research and through their operation. The assessment of the ratio of these two methods of technology development in the economy of Russian regions has significant research potential. The study implements a methodology for comparative analysis of the spatial dynamics of various types of innovation activities, which allows overcoming the methodological limitations of official statistics. The coefficients of elasticity according to the time trend for the total costs of innovation activities, including research and development costs, costs for the purchase of machinery and equipment, and costs for industrial design (engineering) and design by groups of regions of Russia in 2011-2015, 2016-2018 and 2019-2022 were obtained. The results of the study detail the trends in the innovative development of groups of regions in 2011-2022 with a specification of the dynamics in the pre-sanctions and sanctions periods. It has been established that the systematic development of technologies through their research was carried out mainly in the pre-sanctions period and only in the most developed regions. During the period of increasing sanctions pressure, research and development are localized in metropolitan centers, and remote and underdeveloped regions begin to systematically master new technologies through the purchase of machinery and equipment, as well as industrial design (engineering) and design. The system of econometric estimates obtained in the study, which takes into account both the economic specifics of innovations and the methodological problems of their statistical accounting, made it possible to specify the role of the most important ways of mastering new technologies in the country’s regions within the framework of the pre-sanctions and sanctions periods.


Innovations, research and development, purchase of machinery and equipment, engineering, regions of Russia, sanctions shock, official statistics

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IDR: 147245918   |   DOI: 10.15838/esc.2024.5.95.7

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