Species composition and dynamics of development of coleoptera-xylobionts of the Yalta mountain and forest natural reserve

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The Yalta Mountain and forest reserve belongs to especially protected natural territories of Crimean Region and has special nature protection, scientific, cultural, esthetic, recreational and improving value. Pinus pallasiana is among prevailing wood species, it is included in the Red List of the Russian Federa-tion. Entomological complex of the reserve is also unique; the inhabitants of wood wild-winged xylobionts take leading positions in it. In certain conditions considered stem pests are capable of causing the death of forest stands and damaging stored wood, in short terms bringing it into the state, unsuitable for further use. The analysis of the researches devoted to the subject of stem pests in the reserve shows insufficient development of the question, in this connection there was a need for conducted researches. The studying of entomologi-cal complex, in particular coleoptera-xylobionts, was carried out during the vegetative seasons of 2016-2017 by standard technique on the whole area of the reserve. In addition the distribution of trophic groups of coleoptera-xylobionts depending on the stage of destruction of wood and Crimean pine bark was defined. As a result of the conducted researches 119 types of coleoptera-xylobionts from 15 families were found out. Barbels (Cerambycidae) of 28 types and family of ground beetle (Carabidae) - 22 species were the most numerous types. 41 types of coleoptera-xylobionts belonging to indicators of different stages of de-composition of bark and wood of Crimean pine were revealed. Specified specific structure of entomofauna has scientific and practical interest for preservation of unique natural complex of the Cri-mean Region. The received results will help to pre-dict mass flashes of the number of coleoptera-xylobionts and in due time to undertake necessary measures for preservation of favorable ecological situation.


Xylophilous insects, entomofauna, hard-winged xylobionts, trophic groups, ecomo-nitoring

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140224303

IDR: 140224303

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