Virtual objects musefication early stage of formation and development of the art in information systems "Primitive culture and art of North Asia" (concept of new educational resource)

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Primitive сulture and art are the objects of study of different disciplines. The IT support of research is a question of special importance. The interdisciplinary research needs an information system effectively integrating the latest results in several areas of knowledge, providing access to the objects of research in digital form and immersing them in the appropriate interdisciplinary context. This approach may provide comprehensive material, ensure the generation of new scientific problems and contribute to the operational test put forward positions and research hypotheses. The article deals with problems of the virtual collections of primitive art and open access to them on the Internet using the platform of a virtual museum in the Museum Portal of Novosibirsk State University (NSU). Is described the technical organization, architecture, data model and interfaces of the information system «Primitive Culture and Art in North Asia». Access to the system via NSU Museum Portal is aimed to provide two levels of use: working directly in the system – for professionals, researchers, graduate students and undergraduates, and viewing content – to a wide user. The form of the virtual museum allows presenting the problems of ancient art and its sources not only as a proper archaeological, but also as a historical-sociological, psychological and semiotic problems.


North asia, primitive art, sculpture, jewelry, petroglyphs, information system, virtual museum, concept

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IDR: 147218912

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