Визуальность литературного текста: описания персонажей в романе У. Льюиса "Обезьяны Господни"

Автор: Туляков Дмитрий Сергеевич

Журнал: Новый филологический вестник @slovorggu

Рубрика: Зарубежная литература

Статья в выпуске: 1 (40), 2017 года.

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Современное понимание визуальности литературного текста как совокупности тех его особенностей, которые ориентируют читателя на представление яркого и запоминающегося визуального образа, противопоставлено в статье устоявшейся традиции исследования текста с целью обнаружить в нем следы влияния изобразительного искусства. На основе изложенной современной концепции исследуется визуальность описания персонажей в модернистском романе английского писателя и художника У. Льюиса «Обезьяны господни» (1931). Анализ текста Льюиса на предмет симуляции в нем сенсомоторной идентификации читателя с персонажем, отсылок к зрительному восприятию и нацеленности на нарушение естественного процесса читательской визуализации показал, что для стиля Льюиса характерна контрпродуктивная визуальность, воздействие и интерпретация которой не требует знакомства с живописной эстетикой художника.


Визуальность литературного текста, уиндем льюис, модернизм, описание персонажа

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IDR: 14914589

Список литературы Визуальность литературного текста: описания персонажей в романе У. Льюиса "Обезьяны Господни"

  • Jameson F. Fables of Aggression: Wyndham Lewis, the Modernist as Fascist. Berkeley, 1979. P. 3.
  • Jameson F. Fables of Aggression: Wyndham Lewis, the Modernist as Fascist. Berkeley, 1979. P. 3.
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  • Гирин Ю.Н. Проблема авангарда: содержание, границы, понятийный аппарат//Авангард в культуре ХХ века (1900-1930 гг.): Теория. История. Поэтика: в 2 кн. Кн. 1. М., 2010. С. 39.
  • Lewis W. Rude Assignment: An Intellectual Autobiography. Santa Barbara, 1984. P. 139.
  • Lewis W. Rude Assignment: An Intellectual Autobiography. Santa Barbara, 1984. P. 139.
  • Kush T. Wyndham Lewis's Pictorial Integer. Ann Arbor, 1981.
  • Kush T. Wyndham Lewis's Pictorial Integer. Ann Arbor, 1981.
  • Dasenbrock R.W. The Literary Vorticism of Ezra Pound and Wyndham Lewis. Bal-timore, 1985. P. 136.
  • Dasenbrock R.W. The Literary Vorticism of Ezra Pound and Wyndham Lewis. Bal-timore, 1985. P. 136.
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  • Brosch R. Reading and Visualisation//Anglistik. 2013. Vol. 24. № 2. P. 169.
  • Esrock E., Kuzmičová A. Visual Imagery in Reading//Encyclopedia of Aesthetics. 2nd ed. Vol. 3. Oxford, 2014. P. 416-420.
  • Esrock E., Kuzmičová A. Visual Imagery in Reading//Encyclopedia of Aesthetics. 2nd ed. Vol. 3. Oxford, 2014. P. 416-420.
  • Jameson F. Fables of Aggression: Wyndham Lewis, the Modernist as Fascist. Berke-ley, 1979. P. 34.
  • Jameson F. Fables of Aggression: Wyndham Lewis, the Modernist as Fascist. Berke-ley, 1979. P. 34.
  • Edwards P. Wyndham Lewis: Painter and Writer. New Haven, 2000. P. 349.
  • Edwards P. Wyndham Lewis: Painter and Writer. New Haven, 2000. P. 349.
  • Gleason D.W. The Visual Experience of Image Metaphor: Cognitive Insights into Imagist Figures//Poetics Today. 2009. Vol. 30. № 3. P. 464-465.
  • Gleason D.W. The Visual Experience of Image Metaphor: Cognitive Insights into Imagist Figures//Poetics Today. 2009. Vol. 30. № 3. P. 464-465.
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  • Kuzmičová A. Presence in the Reading of Literary Narrative: A Case for Motor En-actment//Semiotica. 2012. Vol. 189. № 1. P. 26.
  • Kuzmičová A. Fidelity without Mimesis: Mental Imagery from Visual Description//Mimesis: Metaphysics, Cognition, Pragmatics. London, 2012. P. 271-312.
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  • Brosch R. Images in Narrative Literature: Cognitive Experience and Iconic Moments//Handbook of Intermediality. Berlin, 2015. P. 347.
  • Brosch R. Images in Narrative Literature: Cognitive Experience and Iconic Moments//Handbook of Intermediality. Berlin, 2015. P. 347.
  • Kuzmičová A. Fidelity without Mimesis: Mental Imagery from Visual Description//Mimesis: Metaphysics, Cognition, Pragmatics. London, 2012. P. 285.
  • Kuzmičová A. Fidelity without Mimesis: Mental Imagery from Visual Description//Mimesis: Metaphysics, Cognition, Pragmatics. London, 2012. P. 285.
  • Kuzmičová A. Literary Narrative and Mental Imagery: A View from Embodied Cognition//Style. 2014. Vol. 48. № 3. P. 283.
  • Kuzmičová A. Literary Narrative and Mental Imagery: A View from Embodied Cognition//Style. 2014. Vol. 48. № 3. P. 283.
  • Brosch R. Images in Narrative Literature: Cognitive Experience and Iconic Mo-ments//Handbook of Intermediality. Berlin, 2015. P. 348-350.
  • Brosch R. Images in Narrative Literature: Cognitive Experience and Iconic Mo-ments//Handbook of Intermediality. Berlin, 2015. P. 348-350.
  • Esrock E., Kuzmičová A. Visual Imagery in Reading//Encyclopedia of Aesthetics. 2nd ed. Vol. 3. Oxford, 2014. P. 418.
  • Esrock E., Kuzmičová A. Visual Imagery in Reading//Encyclopedia of Aesthetics. 2nd ed. Vol. 3. Oxford, 2014. P. 418.
  • Perrino M. The Poetics of Mockery: Wyndham Lewis's "The Apes of God" and the Popularization of Modernism. London, 1995. P. 4.
  • Perrino M. The Poetics of Mockery: Wyndham Lewis's "The Apes of God" and the Popularization of Modernism. London, 1995. P. 4.
  • Gąsiorek A. Wyndham Lewis and Modernism. Tavistock, 2004. P. 68-72.
  • Gąsiorek A. Wyndham Lewis and Modernism. Tavistock, 2004. P. 68-72.
  • Lewis W. Men Without Art. Santa Rosa, 1987. P. 95, 103.
  • Lewis W. Men Without Art. Santa Rosa, 1987. P. 95, 103.
  • Kenner H. Wyndham Lewis. Norfolk, 1954. P. 104.
  • Kenner H. Wyndham Lewis. Norfolk, 1954. P. 104.
  • Sherry V. Ezra Pound, Wyndham Lewis, and Radical Modernism. New York, 1993. P. 105.
  • Sherry V. Ezra Pound, Wyndham Lewis, and Radical Modernism. New York, 1993. P. 105.
  • Jameson F. Fables of Aggression: Wyndham Lewis, the Modernist as Fascist. Berkeley, 1979. P. 174.
  • Jameson F. Fables of Aggression: Wyndham Lewis, the Modernist as Fascist. Berkeley, 1979. P. 174.
  • Perrino M. The Poetics of Mockery: Wyndham Lewis's "The Apes of God" and the Popularization of Modernism. London, 1995. P. 119.
  • Perrino M. The Poetics of Mockery: Wyndham Lewis's "The Apes of God" and the Popularization of Modernism. London, 1995. P. 119.
  • Gąsiorek A. Wyndham Lewis and Modernism. Tavistock, 2004. P. 68.
  • Gąsiorek A. Wyndham Lewis and Modernism. Tavistock, 2004. P. 68.
  • Hamon P. What is a Description?//Narrative Theory. Vol. I. London, 2004. P. 318.
  • Hamon P. What is a Description?//Narrative Theory. Vol. I. London, 2004. P. 318.
  • Lewis W. The Apes of God. Santa Barbara, 1981. P. 10.
  • Lewis W. The Apes of God. Santa Barbara, 1981. P. 10.
  • Kuzmičová A. Presence in the Reading of Literary Narrative: A Case for Motor En-actment//Semiotica. 2012. Vol. 189. № 1. P. 28.
  • Kuzmičová A. Presence in the Reading of Literary Narrative: A Case for Motor En-actment//Semiotica. 2012. Vol. 189. № 1. P. 28.
  • Patterson I. Beneath the Surface: Apes, Bodies and Readers//Volcanic Heaven: Es-says on Wyndham Lewis's Painting and Writing. Santa Rosa, 1996. P. 27-28.
  • Patterson I. Beneath the Surface: Apes, Bodies and Readers//Volcanic Heaven: Es-says on Wyndham Lewis's Painting and Writing. Santa Rosa, 1996. P. 27-28.
  • Sherry V. Ezra Pound, Wyndham Lewis, and Radical Modernism. New York, 1993. P. 107.
  • Sherry V. Ezra Pound, Wyndham Lewis, and Radical Modernism. New York, 1993. P. 107.
  • Успенский Б.А. Поэтика композиции. СПб, 2000. С. 181.
  • Успенский Б.А. Поэтика композиции. СПб, 2000. С. 181.
  • Lepaludier L. Visual Dynamics in "Bestre" by Wyndham Lewis//Contemporary Debates on the Short Story. Berlin, 2007. P. 90.
  • Lepaludier L. Visual Dynamics in "Bestre" by Wyndham Lewis//Contemporary Debates on the Short Story. Berlin, 2007. P. 90.
  • Ryan M.-L. Narrative as Virtual Reality: Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media. Baltimore, 2001. P. 137.
  • Ryan M.-L. Narrative as Virtual Reality: Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media. Baltimore, 2001. P. 137.
  • Sherry V. Ezra Pound, Wyndham Lewis, and Radical Modernism. New York, 1993. P. 106.
  • Sherry V. Ezra Pound, Wyndham Lewis, and Radical Modernism. New York, 1993. P. 106.
  • Materer T. Wyndham Lewis the Novelist. Detroit, 1976. P. 83.
  • Materer T. Wyndham Lewis the Novelist. Detroit, 1976. P. 83.
  • Jameson F. Fables of Aggression: Wyndham Lewis, the Modernist as Fascist. Berkeley, 1979. P. 5.
  • Jameson F. Fables of Aggression: Wyndham Lewis, the Modernist as Fascist. Berkeley, 1979. P. 5.
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