The Vyatka brotherhood of St. Nicholas (the end of XIX – the beginning of XX cc.)

Автор: Polovnikova Marina

Журнал: Новый исторический вестник @nivestnik

Рубрика: Сообщения

Статья в выпуске: 33, 2012 года.

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The article which is based on documents from the State Archives of the Kirov region covers the activities of the Vyatka Brotherhood of St. Nicholas established by Stephan Kashmensky in 1882. Particular attention is paid to the struggle against “dissenters”, as well as the missionary, religious and educational activities carried out among the local population of the province. The author dwells on the creation and the activities of missionary schools of the Vyatka Brotherhood arriving at the conclusion that the Vyatka Brotherhood has facilitated the consolidation of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Vyatka province.

Vyatka province, russian orthodox church, vyatka eparchy, vyatka brotherhood of st. nikolas, missionary work, "dissent", s. kashmensky

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IDR: 14913642

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