Effect of outsourcing on the change of the fundamental value of participants of the outsourcing project

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A model of strategic partnership aimed at using its participants in the innovative format of business relations, which is considered by the author as an outsourcing project, is presented. The factors of the effectiveness of such a project are revealed and the influence of the results of its implementation on the dynamics of the fundamental value of its project participants - an outsourcer enterprise and an enterprise - a customer of outsourcing services is established. For the project, which is based on the auspices of the integrated maintenance of the vehicle fleet, calculations of the increase in the fundamental value of the enterprises participating in the project have been carried out.


Outsourcing project, transport and logistics services, outsourcing agreement, model of strategic partnership, the effect of the production lever, outsourcing payment

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170172278

IDR: 170172278

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