Influence of immune modulating therapy on results of laser treatment of uterus neck pretumoral diseases

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Research is devoted to studying the efficiency of isolated laser treatment on device "Lancet-2" (1 group) and in a complex with immune modulating preparation of allokin-alpha (2 group) of uterus neck pretumoral diseases at 177 women. In 52% of supervision before the beginning of treatment in epithelium scrapes and uterus neck bioptates are revealed genotypes of human papilloma virus (HPV) of high cancerogenic risk, in 48 % – HPV isn't revealed. Efficiency of laser treatment the uterus neck pathology with HPV-infection has made 95,7 %, without HPV – 85,7 %. Application of antiviral therapy allows to warn relapses of uterus neck HPV-diseases.


Uterus neck pretumoral diseases, laser treatment, allokin-alpha, hpv-infection

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IDR: 148100685

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