Initial biomass effect of Azolla caroliniana culture on performance in the Southern Kyrgyzstan conditions

Автор: Abdyrakhmanova Zh.

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Биологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.10, 2024 года.

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The object of the study was Azolla caroliniana Willd., collected from reservoirs of collector-drainage networks in the vicinity of Osh (Ak-Buura river basin), and also grown in laboratory conditions. To determine the initial biomass of the culture, Azolla caroliniana was grown outdoors in tray units with an area of 1 m2 of water surface, a capacity of 500 l, a depth of 50 cm and a nutrient medium prepared from chicken manure (5 g/l), which was renewed every 5 days. The initial biomass of the Azolla culture added to the trays in option I was 100 g/m2, in option II 200 g/m2, option III 300 g/m2, option IV 400 g/m2, option V 500 g/m2, option VI 600 g/m2, VII option 700 g/m2. The A. caroliniana high performance in variants III and IV is the result of its daily growth rate. As a result, the daily increase was 129.0±0.4 g/m2 in option III, and 112.4±0.3 in option IV. With a low biomass (in options I and II), azolla does not have time to fully use the available nutrient medium; due to the excess nutrient medium, other aquatic plants and algae develop strongly. In this regard, the growth and development of Azolla shoots and rhizoids slows down. In the III and IV variants of the Azolla experiment, due to the complete absorption of nutrients, normal development of the root structure and shoots occurs; accordingly, the daily growth rate of raw biomass was higher than in the other variants. Thus, when growing Azolla caroliniana in field conditions or in greenhouses, it is advisable to use 300-400 g of initial biomass per 1 m2 of water surface.


Azolla caroliniana, crop performance, biological nitrogen fixation, biomass, aquatic plant cultivation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14129750   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/100/11

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