Биологические науки. Рубрика в журнале - Бюллетень науки и практики

A study of the genetic diversity of globulin proteins in Lens culinaris Medik. genotypes
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Electrophoretic analysis of globulin storage proteins in the seeds of 46 lentil accessions introduced from ICARDA was carried out. The aim of the work was to identify, certification and study the genetic diversity of lentil genotypes. In addition, a genetic diversity index (H) was calculated for the zones (ω-, γ-, β- and α-) based on the frequency of patterns on electropherograms of spare globulin proteins in seeds of lentil accessions. Twenty-two spectra and 55 patterns were identified in lentil accessions, most of which polymorphism was observed. 7 spectra and 22 patterns were observed in the ω-zone, 7 spectra and 9 patterns in the γ-zone, 5 spectra and 11 patterns in the β-zone, and 5 spectra and 13 patterns in the α-zone. The genetic diversity index was calculated for each of the 4 zones (ω, γ, β and α) based on Nei formula. According to the calculations, more genetic diversity was observed in ω-zone (H=0.930), slightly less in β-zone (H=0.872), α (H=0.827) and the least in γ-zone (H=0.743). Based on cluster analysis, the genotypes were divided into 5 groups and subgroups. Based on these results, an electrophoretic analysis of globulin storage proteins in polyacrylamide gel (A-PAAG) was performed for the first time and polymorphism between lentil genotypes was identified.

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Antioxidant defense systems have been studied in the mesophyll (MC) and bundle sheath cell (BSC) chloroplasts of maize ( Zea mays L.) leaves cultivated in an artificial climate chamber under various concentrations (0%, 1%, 2%, 3%) of NaCl. The amounts of some of the main products of lipid peroxidation malondialdehyde (MDA) and reactive oxygen species hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as well as activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APO) were determined in MC and BSC chloroplasts. BSC chloroplasts were found to be more tolerant to salt stress compared with MC chloroplasts. The MDA amount increased in both chloroplasts. H2O2 was found to be localized mainly in MC chloroplasts at various NaCl concentrations. The SOD and APO activities increased in both chloroplasts of the plants exposed to salt stress.

Adaptations of Juniperus rufescens Link. leaf's in South Caucasus Mountains (Azerbaijan)
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During scientific research in July-August 2019 between 40°53ʹN and 49°25ʹE widths in the Khizi territory (Azerbaijan), adaptations of the structure of the juniper leaves were studied. The leaves of the red juniper have a lancelet appearance and easily vary in different environmental conditions, for this reason we selected red juniper as the object of our studies and measured the length of leaves taken from different tiers. It was revealed that there is an inverse correlation between leaf lengths and altitude from the sea level.

Addendum to the fauna of venomous snakes of Nakhchivan (Azerbaijan)
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The article is devoted to the results of the study of the taxonomic status and ecological characteristics of venomous snake’s species distributed in the territory of the Nakhchivan. Materials for research were collected in various biotopes and landscapes in the highlands during 2011-2023. Information is given on 3 types of poisonous species: Macrovipera lebetina, Montivipera raddei, Pelias eriwanensis .

Additions to the Apsheron flora
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The article provides additional information on the species composition of the flora of the Apsheron Peninsula. The landscape of the peninsula is divided into two unequal parts, which differ orographically. Most of it is represented by the foothills and is located to the west of the peninsula, and a small eastern part is a flat semi-desert - the maximum height is 34 m. Covers natural and artificial ecosystems (semi-desert, middle and low mountain ranges, mud volcanoes, sand dunes and hills, arable lands, settlements). The synanthropic flora was formed here under the influence of anthropogenic factors, and its further adventization is underway. The article includes information about 14 herbarium species, previously common in Apsheron, but not included in the list of flora due to lack of information, and the range and general characteristics of 1 new species. Thus, the number of species distributed on the peninsula reaches 692, which are combined into 385 genera.

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The study of the process of migration in aphids has great practical importance. Thus, the aphids pass from one plant to another by these morphs and feed there and maintain their population by growing. The literature information on the research of the photoperiodic reactions in aphids is sufficient. However, the seasonal adaptation characteristics of sugar beet aphids have not been studied up to date in Azerbaijan. For this reason, the study of an impact of photoperiod on the emergence of winged ones in the population of black bean aphid is one of the important issues. During the study of reaction of individuals fed in the same routine against the photoperiod in the next generations, it has been defined that short photoperiod is more observed in the following generations. It seems that the information collected from the former generations is directly passed to the next generations. The results show that the continuous breeding of these species by means of parthenogenesis is only available in the long day (14, 16, 18, 24 hours) routine. However, the winged individuals prevail in the short photoperiods. The preference of winged individuals in 24 hours of photoperiod rather than others (14-18 hours) is probably related to the physiological changes occurs in them.

Analysis of Ganja river basin according to geographical elements
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The article provides an analysis of the Ganja River basin according to geographical elements. 8 geographical elements Caucasian, Holarctic, Arid or xerocontinental, Pluregional Boreal, Mediterranean, Palearctic and Iran-Turanian geographical elements were defined for the research area. Each geographical element was made on the basis of botanical geographical (floristic) regionalization.

Analysis of the natural and cultural dendroflora of the north-western zone of the Greater Caucasus
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The role of specially protected natural monuments in the conservation of biological diversity is irreplaceable. Many reserves have been established in order to expand the network of specially protected natural areas of the Republic of Azerbaijan, to preserve biodiversity, and to use natural resources efficiently. Along with the State Nature Reserves, new parks and gardens have recently been built, with Eldar pine, acacia, alder, beech, etc. in the natural flora. Along with plants, trees and shrubs of the world flora (new species of catalpa, juniper, pine, cypress, etc.) were widely used. The research revealed that 81 species of natural flora and 36 species of alien flora were used in landscaping. Among the plants belonging to the alien flora, lilac catalpa, Kokatan tecoma, Japanese daisy, evergreen cypress plays a dominant role in the cultural flora on landscaping. The most commonly used species of local flora are oak, juniper, white acacia, sycamore, maple, hornbeam, ash, linden. The cultural dendroflora of Zagatala-Balakan region is represented by 44 taxa and 117 species of trees and shrubs of 91 genera; including 4 families, 7 genera and 16 species of gymnosperms; according to their life-stages: 42 species of trees, 51 species of shrubs, 5 species of lianas, 13 species of ornamental flowers, 1 species of cover plants; There are 80 species of natural flora and 37 species of alien flora.

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According to hazard categories (IUCN), 46 species from 35 genera were identified belonging to 24 families of rare tree and shrub plants common in the natural flora of Azerbaijan used for landscaping Absheron. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the NT category (almost endangered) includes 12 species, and the CR category (endangered) includes 8 species. The plant species studied in the article were also analyzed by phytogeographic region and life forms. The results of the study showed that in addition to landscaping, other measures for the protection of the studied plants are necessary.

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This research investigates the anatomical structure of the calyx transverse section of 11 species of the Hedysarum genus from Central Asia. The analysis revealed that all species exhibit a more or less smooth or slightly convoluted upper surface and a lower surface with varying degrees of tuberculation. Regarding the mesophyll structure of the calyx, the studied species are mainly divided into two groups: in H. pumilum, H. severtzovii, H. micropterum, and H. wrightianum, the mesophyll is differentiated into lower palisade and upper spongy layers, which is considered an adaptive and progressive feature for the calyx; in other species, an undifferentiated mesophyll is observed, regarded as a primitive trait. Furthermore, the formation of large and giant idioblasts is characteristic of all studied species, located on the lower side of the calyx (directly beneath the lower epidermis), along with a 2-4-layered chlorenchyma beneath the upper epidermis, representing adaptive features.

Annotated checklist of the fishes of Nizhnevartovsk district
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The confirmed fishes of Nizhnevartovsk district waters (Russia, Western Siberia, Khanty-Mansi autonomous okrug (district)) comprise 24 species in 19 genera, 10 families, 6 orders and 2 classes found in Middle Ob River basin. There are also 5 species whose presence in Nizhnevartovsk district waters needs confirmation by the described specimens. The most diverse order is the Cypriniformes with 11 confirmed species (45.9%) followed by Salmoniformes with 5 species (20.8%), Perciformes (3 species, 12.5%), Petromyzoniformes (2 species, 8.3%), Acipenseriformes (2 species, 8.3%) and Gadiformes with 1 species (4.2%). Of the 5 introduced species (including three require confirmation), the freshwater bream Abramis brama (Linnaeus, 1758) and the pike-perch Sander lucioperca (Linnaeus, 1758) naturalized and are constantly found.

Assessment and reserve of some feed phytocoenoses
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The studies were carried out on the floristic, geobotanical and resource assessment in Zardab and Ujar districts in 2020-2021 and 87 species belonging to 12 families were registered in the composition of coenosis. 12 species ( Poa bulbosa L., Poa pratensis L., Artemisia lerchiana Weber, Chenopodium album L., Bromus scoparius L., Alhagi maurorum Medik., Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., Climacoptera crassa (M. Bieb.), Stipa capillata L., Brassica napus L., Glycyrrhiza glabra L., Alyssum tortuosum Willd. (= Odontarrhena tortuosa (Waldst. et Kit. ex Will.) C. A. Mey.)) distinguished for their long-term participation in the composition of the groupings were determined. The dynamics of productivity in coenoses were assessed by seasons and it was found that they changed in the range of 1.44-1.91 hwt/ha (in spring), 0.65-1.55 hwt/ha (in summer), 1.02-1.76 hwt/ha (in autumn). The dominance of forbs on botanical groupings was revealed.

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The study is dedicated to the assessment of fish fauna of the natural and artificial water bodies in Nakhchivan in 2018-2022 and the environmental factors that have impact over them. It was determined for this period that fish fauna is distributed in 10 water bodies. Out of those water bodies, Nakhchivan reservoir dominates both from the perspective of species and fish hunting. Along with the study of fish fauna in aquifers, the factors influencing their development were also assessed. Although the balance is disturbed as a natural factor, factors such as industrial waste, garbage and solid waste, sewage waste, detergents and artificial fertilizers, agrochemicals, oil and oil products, radioactivity and thermal pollution are the main factors of environmental pollution. Other factors: untimely and excessive hunting, fishing during reproductive migration, the introduction of new fish species into freshwater sources, anthropogenic factors such as hydropower also have a significant impact on fish development.

Berberis aquifolium Pursh - новый вид для флоры Нахчыванской Автономной Республики Азербайджана
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Проведены геоботанические, флористические, систематические, экологические исследования для изучения флоры и растительности Нахчыванской Автономной Республики Азербайджана. Целью исследования был поиск новых таксонов дикорастущей и культурной флоры. До наших исследований (1970 г.) во флоре Нахчывана сем. Berberidaceae было представлено всего 3 видами рода Berberis : B. integerrima Bunge, B. iberica Steven, B. vulgaris L. В течение многолетних исследований (1970-2023 гг.) нами выявлено еще 3 вида: Berberis heteropoda Schrenk, B. thunbergii f. atropurpurea и во время экспедиции 10.05.2023 г. найден вид Berberis aquifolium Pursh. Он интродуцирован как высокодекоративный кустарник. Таким образом, на основе литературных источников и результатов наших исследований установлено, что в Азербайджане распространено 14 дикорастущих и культивируемых видов (и две форма) барбариса. Во время исследований обращали внимание на условия местообитания нововыявленных таксонов, изучены их морфобиологические и биоэкологические особенности для дальнейшего рационального использования. Виды барбариса - ценные полезные растения. По результатам проведенных исследований рекомендуется создать плантации, имеющие промышленное значение для рационального, долголетнего использования, повышать продуктивность, охранять естественные заросли и их популяции.

Biodiversity of ravine flora of the northeastern part of the Lesser Caucasus
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As a result of the study of the areas, the geographical features of the ravine flora were studied. The flora is grouped by geographical elements according to the existing scheme of geographical elements. Geographical analysis shows that pontic and nemoral geoelements are dominated by Eurasian, European, and ancient Mediterranean areas. Nemoral and pontic geoelements cover all areal types. Cosmopolitans dominate. It should be pointed out that as a result of human economic activity, the species composition in the ravines has decreased sharply. Ravines occupy an important place in the formation of the vegetation of the north-east of the Lesser Caucasus and play the role of soil protection and water protection. Systematic, biomorphological, ecological cenotic, geographical analysis shows that the ravine flora is similar to the zonal flora of the meadow steppe system, but at the same time has its own characteristics. It is heterogeneous in species composition. One of the peculiarities of the flora is the predominance of weeds, forest vegetation and migrants.

Bioecological characteristic and uses of Spinacia tetrandra steven
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The flora of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic can be considered as a source of vegetable raw materials rich in herbal, medicinal, technical and, in general, biologically active substances. From this point of view, it is very important to study the modern state of wild vegetable plants in Nakhchivan MR biodiversity, to search for new opportunities and traditional ways of their use. In the article, biomorphological features and directions of use of Spinacia tetrandra , were investigated. Plant specimens are found in saline areas, sandy soils, roadsides and settlements. It spreads from plains to lower mountainous belts. Plant samples were collected from Gahab, Zeyneddin, Jamaldin etc. regions. It is usually used cooked. Spinach is used in the preparation of beetroot soup, soups and various vegetable dishes. Dried spinach is slightly inferior to meat in the amount of protein it contains. Spinach is used not only fresh, but also canned and frozen.

Bioecological characteristics of species of the Hypericum L. genus in flora of Azerbaijan
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The Republic of Azerbaijan with a rich biodiversity occupies a special place in the Caucasus region. There are about 5000 higher plant species in the country (belonging to 1142 genera), which makes up 66% of the total number of plant species growing in the Caucasus. Among the widespread plant species in this rich nature, the Hypericum genus which belongs to the Hypericaceae family takes special place. Although the vast majority of species belonging to the Hypericaceae family are perennial, annual grass, shrub (47%), among them are semi-shrubs and, in rare cases, low trees ( H. bequaertii De Wild., H. revolutum Vahl, H. canariense L. (5%) and aquatic ( H. elodes L.) plants. Hypericum genus, which has about 500 species, 70 subspecies, 3 varieties and 11 hybrids in the world are represented by 19 species, 1 subspecies and 1 variety in the flora of Azerbaijan. The present article is part of a complex experimental study which comprises bioecological research studies of Hypericum L. in flora of Azerbaijan.

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Helminthological studies of sheep and goats were conducted in the northeastern territories of the Lesser Caucasus of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2013-2022. The northeastern areas of the Lesser Caucasus include Ganja and Goygeli, Dashkesan, Geranboy, Naftalan, Samukh, Shamkir, Tovuz, Agstafa, Gazakh and Kadabek districts, as well as the areas around the Kura and Jeyranchel rivers, which are wintering places of livestock farms. This process plays a special role in the formation of helminth fauna of animals, as small horned livestock farms in these areas lead a nomadic and sedentary lifestyle. As a result of helminthological research 52 species of helminths, including 43 species of nematodes were identified. Of these, 7 species are indicated for the study region for the first time. All detected nematode species were registered in sheep, while only 26 species were found in goats, which are common to the sheep helminth fauna. These helminth species can be considered as permanent elements of the helminthofaunistic complex of livestock production in the studied region. It was found that young sheep and goats are relatively heavily infested with helminths. Infestation is higher in late spring - early summer and early fall. For this purpose, 957 sheep and 619 goats were examined for nematode pathogens in different landscape-ecological zones of the region by the method of complete helminthological autopsy according to K. I. Skryabin. Some species of helminths are absent in the studied animals before driving them to summer pastures but are observed in them after their return to wintering. Animals become infected by ingesting larvae or mature helminth eggs on summer pastures.

Bioecological features and reproduction of Carica papaya L. in closed conditions (Azerbaijan)
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The article for the first time at the Institute of Dendrology of Azerbaijan NAS presents the introduction, reproduction, bioecological features, and dynamics of growth and development of the species Carica papaya L. in closed conditions. The seed and vegetative methods of propagation of the species Carica papaya L., which we consider promising, can be successfully applied in interior gardening, and the results of studies of the last 3 years on them have been studied. To achieve this goal, the following studies were carried out: the study of seed and vegetative methods of reproduction; the determination of the morphological features of seedlings obtained at the initial stage of development (ontogenesis), the study of biorhythms of development, the study of the dynamics of growth and development of the root system of annual plants.

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Bark beetles (Curculionidae, Scolytinae) are dangerous pests of forest and fruit trees both in the world and in Azerbaijan. Their activity results in partial or complete drying out, and a decrease in quantitative and qualitative indicators of the trees. These pests are even more dangerous during the years of mass reproduction. The bark beetles, which mainly infect old trees or trees weakened by biotic, abiotic, anthropogenic factors, attack young and healthy trees during mass reproduction. These pests, which pose a threat to forestry and horticulture, have not been studied in detail in Azerbaijan. The work was carried out by the author on the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus of Azerbaijan (Balakan, Zagatala, Gakh, Sheki, Oguz, Gabala, Ismayilli, Shamakhi and Absheron) in 2013-2019 and 22 species of bark beetles were identified damaging to forest trees. The article provides information about the bioecological characteristics and economic importance of the oak bark beetle ( Scolytus intricatus (Ratzeburg, 1837)) and striped ambrosia beetle ( Trypodendron lineatum (A. G. Olivier, 1800)), which are widespread in the study area and cause serious damage to forest trees. T. lineatum is new to the fauna of Azerbaijan. As a result of the activity of these pests, industrially valuable trees, such as oak, chestnut, elm, beech, pine, fir are partially or completely destroyed by drying.