The influence of the enzyme preparation usage on the production of the next quail generations

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Quail breeding, as a relatively new branch of aviculture, should play a certain role in the replen-ishment of country food resources with the valuable dietary products. Due to the fact that quails in op-posite to any other fowls have high precocity, hypermetabolism, shorter period of reproduction, they need highly nourishing mixed feeds, which have higher coefficients of digestibility. That is why the injection of enzymatic agents into the mixed feeds for quails is a certain scientific and practical interest as their feeding nowadays is based on concentrated feed of the local production (wheat, barley, millet, oats, bran, etc.), which contain an increased amount of non-starchy polysaccharides. The purpose of the research was the study of the influence of the enzymatic agent injection called «Avizyme-1300» into the composition for the se-cond quail generation. To hold the research there were formed three experimental groups of quail analogues from the age of 45 days. During the re-search it was established that in the end of the ana-lyzed period quail females and males of the 3rd group had more live weight (the injection of the 0.20 % avizyme to the weight of feed) was 186.8 and 152.0 g, which was 4.9-2.3 % higher in com-parison to the 1st and the 2nd groups. During the whole period the egg-laying rate in average was also 18.7 items of eggs or 14.8 % higher in the third experimental group, and 3.8 items of eggs or 3.0 % higher in the second, all in comparison to the check group. As a result of the researches were held we can make a conclusion that the inclusion of «Avizyme-1300» enzymatic agent into the mixed feeds for quails doesn't have a negative impact on economic indexes of quails during the two cycles of productive usage and there was noticed the posi-tive after-effect of the enzymatic agent, which is followed by its exclusion from the mixed feed of the second quail generation.


Enzyme, quail, live weigh, egg-laying rate, quality of eggs, economic indexes

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IDR: 14084623

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