Influence of UAN-32, liquid and solid complex fertilizers on the yield and quality indicators of spring wheat grain in the conditions of the Salair foothills during its cultivation using the no-till technology

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The purpose of research is to study the influence of different combinations of UAN-32 with the addition of ammonium sulfate, liquid and solid complex (JCU, ammophos, diammofoska, sulfoammophos) fertile-zers on the formation of basic quality indicators and grain yield of spring wheat when cultivating the crop using the no-till system. In the conditions of the Salair Foothills in the Tselinny District on leached chernozems of medium humus in 2020-2022. Research was carried out on the local pre-sowing application of different combinations of fertilizers. The highest yield is ensured by the application of UAN-32 150 kg/ha with 60 kg/ha ammonium sulfate and 100 kg/ha ammophos (N88P52S14) and according to the UAN-32 option 150 kg/ha + liquid fertilizers 100 kg/ha + sulfoammophos 100 kg/ha (N92P57S22): respectively 7.03-7.24 t/ha (average for 2 years) and 6.66-6.69 t/ha (average for 3 years). For all combinations of applied fertilizers, the protein content increases from 9.3 to 10.9-11.3 %, and gluten - from 18.8 to 24.1-26.4 %. Under the influence of fertilizers, the grain belongs to the 3rd class in terms of gluten, while under the control it is of the 4th class. The increase in yield is due to improved nutritional regimes in the soil and an increase in their consumption by spring wheat, especially nitrogen and sulfur. Local application of the studied combinations of UAN-32, liquid fertilizers, ammonium sulfate and complex fertilizers in all years ensured an increase in the grain yield of spring soft wheat of the Buran variety by 25.9-34.2 % on average over 2 years and by 41.8-47.6 % on average over 3 years with a payback of 1 kg of a.v. fertilezers, respectively, 5.8-12 kg and 11.3-13.8 kg of grain.



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IDR: 140303776   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2024-1-26-32

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