The effect of insect feed protein on the chemical composition and quality of cockerel meat in the organic poultry farming system

Автор: Medvedev A.Yu., Figurak S.N., Smetankina V.G.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 4 (109), 2024 года.

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The subject of the scientific research is effectiveness of using flour from insect larva The subject of the scientific research is effectiveness of using flour from insect larvae in feeding cockerels of the meat-producing direction (Adler silver breed) when they are grown for meat in the organic poultry farming system. The aim of the work is to study chemical composition and organoleptic parameters of cockerel meat and determine the effect on its quality of the feed protein of insect - the large flour crunch (Tenebrio molitor) and the beetle Zophobas morio. Three groups of cockerels were formed at the age of 4 weeks old, which were raised until the age of 16 weeks old. The first group of cockerels was fed with compound feed with the maximum possible use of fish meal (10% by weight). In the feed of the cockerels of the second and third groups, half of the fish meal was replaced with flour from insect larvae Tenebrio molitor (100 g / kg) and Zophobas morio (100 g /kg). It was concluded that in the chemical composition of the cockerel meat, when flour from the larvae of these insects was introduced into the formulations of compound feeds, compared to peers in whose feeding it was not used, there was a tendency to decrease the fat content by 3.9 and 4.8 absolute percent and increase the protein content by 1.0 and 1.9 absolute percent. At the same time, the lysine content in the meat of cockerels of the experimental groups increased by 5.7-20 g/kg (7.8-27.5%), and the increase in the content of other essential amino acids (methionine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine) reached more than 25%. The meat of cockerels grown in the organic poultry farming system was highly appreciated by the commission of tasters (3.9-4.7 points on a 5-point scale). Higher indicators of tenderness and juiciness of boiled pectoral and leg muscles, as well as the strength (richness) of the broth from cockerel meat of the control group (by 2.3-14.6%) were due to an increase in the fat content in the chemical composition of their meat. The higher content of essential amino acids in cockerel meat when insect protein was used in their feeding could be the reason for a higher assessment of boiled pectoral and leg muscles, as well as poultry broth in terms of odor and taste by 5.8-19.5% (p function show_eabstract() { $('#eabstract1').hide(); $('#eabstract2').show(); $('#eabstract_expand').hide(); }


Insect protein, cockerel meat, chemical composition, organoleptic evaluation, organic poultry farming

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147244959   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2587-666X.2024.4.43

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