The impact of culture on learning Russian: more than just language structure

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More than 270 million people speak the Russian language, which boasts one of the richest cultural heritages. Understanding cultural aspects in language education can enhance students' awareness of different cultures, improve communication, and strengthen their connections to their home culture. This article discusses the relationship between the Russian language and its culture, emphasizing the importance of cultural components in language education. It addresses challenges faced by non-native speakers, such as the Cyrillic alphabet, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. It also highlights the historical and contemporary significance of Russian culture, literature, education, and politics. This article also discusses strategies to overcome these challenges, such as breaking learning into smaller parts, using mnemonics, and practicing continuously.


Russian language, learning, communication, cultural integration, cultural hurdles

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IDR: 170205700   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-5-2-92-97

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