The effect of the surgical lengthening of growth-retarded lower limb on walking biomechanical parameters

Автор: Shchurov V.A., Novikov K.I.

Журнал: Гений ортопедии @geniy-ortopedii

Рубрика: Оригинальные статьи

Статья в выпуске: 3, 2011 года.

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Seven patients with growth retardation of one of the limbs have been examined before and after their surgical equalization according to Ilizarov using Diasled-scan hardware-software complex. The time parameters of walking before treatment and within the first year after its completion have been revealed to be increased in comparison with the values of the healthy subjects examined (n = 14). At the same time, the loading of feet supporting surface has been increased reliably both for standing and for walking.

Walking biomechanics, limb lengthening

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IDR: 142121440

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