Influence of features of constructional suppression of vibration on nonlinear fluctuations of systems at dispersion of energy

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The task about the elementary form of approximation of change of the characteristics of devices on dispersion of energy with a constructional hysteresis is decided(solved) on the basis of minimization of a root-mean-square error of approach(approximation), and also equality of the areas of close loops of a hysteresis to required. With the help of the combined method of decomposition of the decision of the nonlinear differential equation of movement of systems at dispersion of energy and offered form of approximation the decision for approximate repeating fluctuations taking into account influence of features of isolation of a constructional hysteresis and overwhelming devices on the basic parameters of fluctuations is found.


Hysteresis, approximation, equalization of motion, vibroprotective systems, quasiharmonic vibrations

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148198613

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