Weather conditions influence on spring barley varieties economically valuable characteristics in the Middle Volga region forest-steppe zone

Автор: Kosykh Larisa Alexandrovna, Stolpivskaya Evgeniya Valerievna, Nikonorova Yulia Yurievna

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Агрономия

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2022 года.

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The aim of the study is to reveal the influence of weather factors on economically valuable traits of spring barley varieties of the Volga Research Institute of Breeding and Seed Production. The study was carried out at the Volga Research Institute of Breeding and Seed Production named after P.N. Konstantinov in 2016-2020. Field experiment laying, counting, measurements, phenological observations were carried out in accordance with the Methodology of the State Commission for Variety Testing of Agricultural Crops; statistical data processing - by the method of analysis of variance according to the method of B.A. Dospekhov using a package of computer programs Excel. Critical values of the correlation coefficient: r05 = 0.347; r01 = 0.478. The calculation of the hydrothermal coefficient was carried out according to the method of G.T. Selyaninov. The objects of study were 7 varieties of spring barley: Berkut, Agat, Batik, Povolzhsky 22, Povolzhsky 49, Povolzhsky 65, Povolzhsky yantar. The study carried out to study varieties of spring barley in the forest-steppe zone of the Middle Volga Region made it possible to analyze the reaction of varieties in terms of the main economically valuable traits. All studied varieties belong to the group of mid-season (71-74 days). For all the years of research, the tallest variety was Povolzhsky 65 - 70.4 cm. The highest seed yield was noted in the Batik variety - 2.80 t/ha. In terms of the weight of 1000 grains (47.7 g) and the protein content in the grain, the Agat variety stood out - 14.33 %. A close dependence of the amount of precipitation in the period of germination - earing of barley (II decade of May - June) with the yield of seeds and an average correlation with the height of plants has been established. The indicator of the sum of active temperatures has a strong correlation with the length of the growing season, the average dependence - with the yield of seeds and the mass of 1000 grains. There was an average correlation between plant height and seed yield, between the length of the growing season and yield, 1000 grain weight and plant height.


Spring barley, yield, temperature, precipitation, gtc, correlation analysis

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IDR: 140292533

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