The influence counterpressures at direct pressing of bars

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A computer simulation of the process of pressing of bars with counterpressure, without counterpressure in the software package Deform 2D / 3D. It was found that the hot pressing of bar of high-strength aluminum alloy D16 with backpressure in comparison with hot pressing without backpressure revealed an increase in hydrostatic pressure, longitudinal, circumferential and radial normal stresses , shear stresses and as a consequence of the intensity of stresses. The boundaries of changes in longitudinal, circumferential, radial and angular deformations are significantly increased, which is associated with an increase in the plasticity of the deformable material caused by an increase in hydrostatic pressure. Backpressure at the exit of bar from the matrix channel changes the nature of the distribution of circumferential, radial and longitudinal stresses throughout the section of bar. The value of longitudinal tensile stresses in the surface layers of the bar is 31% less than when pressing without back pressure.


Программа deform, pressing, direct method, round bars, alloy d16, hydrostatic pressure, plasticity of metals, deform, modeling

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IDR: 148314178

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