Influence of plant raw ingredients on rheological properties of dough

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The development of the food industry is aimed at developing products with new consumer properties: high content of biologically active substances, dietary fiber, vitamins, micro- and macroelements while maintaining all organoleptic properties and a fairly low price policy. As one of such approaches, the use of a raw ingredient - whole-grain flour from sprouted grain can be proposed. This raw material contains dietary fiber, a number of vitamins and minerals, flavonoids, polyphenols, etc., however, due to high enzymatic activity, it can have a negative effect on the rheological properties of the dough and, as a consequence, the quality of finished products. The purpose of the study was to assess the possibility of using and finding the optimal amount of introducing a raw ingredient of whole-grain flour from sprouted wheat into the bread recipe as a way to improve the rheological properties of the dough. The studies have shown that the use of non-traditional raw materials in the bread recipe by partially replacing varietal flour allows you to significantly vary the rheological characteristics and obtain finished products of guaranteed high quality. Thus, replacing 15-20 % of grade flour with this raw ingredient allows obtaining more extensible, plastic dough (average extensibility value of the system is 136 mm), capable of sufficiently retaining carbon dioxide accumulated during fermentation and forming an increased specific volume of finished products. With this ratio, there is sufficient dough resistance to kneading (10.03-9.53 min) and the highest values of the farinograph quality indicator are noted (104- 106 mm).


Rheological properties of dough, raw ingredient, bread, bakery products

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147245944   |   DOI: 10.14529/food240404

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