Influence of the growth regulator hydrohumate on elements of yield structure and productivity of seeds of winter turnip rape

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The plants growth regulators play a big role in increasing of productivity and improvement of quality of agricultural crops. Their application allows regulating of the most important processes in the plants, fuller realizing the potentials of the variety innate by the nature of breeding. Usage of biologically active preparations with regulating functions in plant growing is one of the available and low-cost ways to increase yield of agricultural crops. Influence of the plant growth regulator Hydrohumate on elements of yield structure of winter turnip rapе was studied. The growth regulator Hyrohumate applied in a dose 1 liter per ha in the beginning of a budding phase and in a dose 1.5 liter per ha at the end of a full budding phase increased: quantity of pods per a plant - by 7-8 units, 1000 seeds weight - by 0.4 g, seeds weight from a plant - by 1.1-1.7 g, biological productivity of seeds - by 0.23-0.50 t per ha in comparison with a control variant. Increasing the doses of Hydrohumate up to 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 liter per ha in three terms, biological productivity of seeds did not raise. The growth regulator Hydrohymate did not influence on quantity of seeds in a pod. Application of Hydrohumate in a dose 1.5 liter per ha in the beginning of a budding phase and in a dose 1.5 liter per ha in a phase full budding has ensured the maximal biological productivity of the crop 1.7-4.7 t per ha. On the average for four years of researches, the maximal productivity of seeds of winter turnip rapе (2.7 t per ha) was received in the sixth variant, the increase to the control was 0.25 t per ha, or 10.2 %. Basing on the complex researches on formation of winter turnip rape productivity, the optimal indicators of its productivity were determined. This will promote the level of the crop potential realization and provide the maximal biological yields.


Winter turnip rape, growth regulator, the number of pods, 1000 seeds weight, biological productivity, number of seeds per a pod

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142214646

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